Does this sound familiar to you?
“Things go badly, particularly around invoice time.”
“Delivery dates are written in invisible ink.”
“A MRO is only as good as its people and only as circumspect as its leadership. While new and clean hangars are impressive, glistening white floors and customer lounges with a big screen television do NOT get the work done – the people in the hangar do.”
“As a potential maintenance customer you should be familiar with the metrics of a sound maintenance management process.”
“Scheduling maintenance with no maintenance plan is like taking off without a flight plan, knowing only the destination.”
“There are many ways to protect the parties from the vagaries of aircraft maintenance inspection outcomes that can affect the schedule and final bill. Whenever possible, you should have a representative on site during the course of the maintenance visit who is knowledgeable on maintenance matters and has the authority to make decisions regarding what can be deferred, and what work can be done for how much.”
HRBCair can manage your aircraft maintenance, whether it is a large inspection, modification, delivery, redelivery or pre-purchase.HRBCair can help you control maintenance costs without sacrificing regulatory compliance and safety. Contact us today.